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On Track: Piggzport Infield Raceway
review: Piggzport Infield Raceway
posted by: theshackle - 2/16/2009  
Rating: 9/10
This month Race Track Central released the Piggzport Infield Raceway, a 5.1 mile road course within the popular Piggzport Super Speedway. Much like the Daytona Rolex 24 Road Course, the Piggzport Infield Raceway (PIR) uses nearly the entire super speedway oval. (Watch a lap at PIR on youtube.com via the link at the end of the article).

The layout is exciting but challenging for an oval dweller such as myself, I returned to the pits from my first attempt with flat spotted tires and flattened fenders. The course exits the oval with a harsh 90 degree left which leads to some interesting results as you try to go down from 4th gear and 200mph to 1st gear. I slammed through the wall itself the first few times I tried to make the turn.

The actual road course is very dynamic, transitioning from high speed wide turns to smaller snail’s pace hairpins (including one inside a tunnel). Once again this provides for some challenging racing, because if you lose concentration you’ll find yourself flying into a retaining wall or worse a gravel trap which is very realistically modeled and nearly impossible to get out of. The Road course exits the Infield right where it entered and puts you right back on the high banked, high speed super speedway. The backstretch even contains a very Daytona esc chicane which makes for a great passing zone. I tried to pull off a Kurt Busch/ Robby Gordon at the glen type move on David Ragan but I couldn’t quite pull it off.

Surprisingly, the AI handles the course and the dramatic speed transitions very well. In the few laps I’ve run the AI never spontaneously spun out or crashed each other; however they did run mostly single file. The graphics are sharp and fresh, there’s a good deal of eye candy in the billboards and track side advertisements. Depending on what graphics package you are running, expect to get at least 30 fps or better, which is really all you need to run a decent offline race. There even what looks like a United Airlines 737 in the Infield. The track comes with great camera files and three setups. There was clearly a great deal of time spent on polishing this track. Lumbering around the track in a 4 speed cup car is fun but difficult, like most road courses the track is probably better suited to PTA based mods. But, whatever physics you’re running, this track is fun and very well put together. If you like road courses then PIR is definitely worth the download. But, If your someone like me who only leaves the comforts of an oval for Sonoma or the Glen, the this track will most likely just sit in your track folder taking up space.

The Bottom Line: Piggzport Infield Raceway is a 9.5/10.

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