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Lisa48's Rant - Spencer and Busch
lisa48 - 8/17/2003  

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Everyone remember what happened last year? Greg Biffle took out Kevin Harvick in the Busch race. When the race was over Kevin hit Greg, he got in his face, they exchanged words and when all was said and done, Kevin was suspended for one race and fined. This is no different then the Spencer / Busch incident that happened today.

According to NASCAR and Jimmy Fennig (Busch’s crew Chief) "They rubbed one time down the straightaway, but everybody rubs, it wasn't even enough to bend the fender or even take the Good-Year off the tire." Fennig went on to say that he didn't know why Spencer was so angry with Busch.

Here's what happened: Kurt Busch ran out of gas with a couple laps to go, he came in and got just enough gas to finish the race and subsequently ran out of gas while heading back to the transporter. He just happened to run out of gas and stop right in front of Jimmy Spencer’s transporter. Apparently that was the last straw because Jimmy then rear ended Kurts car, causing damage on the bumper. He then got out, went up to Kurt’s window and punched him, breaking his nose, they exchanged words and Jimmy had to be pulled away by his own crew members. All parties were called to the Big Red Truck and were talked to by Mike Helton and local police.

In Basketball, Football, Baseball; a player punches someone, gets in a fight, does drugs, arrested, drunk driving, rapes someone, whatever…. The point is in the end, that player who broke the law only gets a slap on the wrist and maybe a fine. Well, NASCAR isn’t like other sports, we all know that, and that’s why we love it. What Jimmy Spencer did was wrong. He should be suspended for at least two races, and fined; with the condition that if he comes anywhere near Kurt, rubs him, touches him, takes him out, Jimmy will have a huge fine and be suspended for the remainder of the season.

Since Jimmy is the one who keeps aging on the feud, Jimmy is the one who needs to be punished. If that means being suspended and facing assault charges, then that’s what it’ll take. This feud between Jimmy “The Elephant” Spencer (because elephants never forget) and Kurt Busch has got to stop, before someone gets seriously hurt or even killed.
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