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Tricks to using this site (uploaders).
Randy G - 3/19/2002  

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This has got to be one of the best sites for user uploads, I see new stuff uploaded on not a daily, or even hourly, but on a "minutely" basis. With the sheer amount of material comes a new "problem", which is sometimes a difficulty in sorting or finding something you want. The key to making this easier is labeling your upload accurately, and providing concise info in the description box. Here's a few tips that might make it easier for those of you who submit items to have an upload that leaves no doubt as to what exactly it is.

1) The Edit function - This is your most useful tool. Once you upload something, whatever you type or upload is not set in stone. You can go back to your upload, and change the description, the title, or even upload a new picture or a revised version of your file. Simply log in, go to your upload, look for a small "EDIT" link to the right on the grey bar. Just click on it, and you will be shown a box with your original text. Edit it as you like (and the title as well), change any of the file descriptions below, and if you didn't provide a pic, you can do so now. When you're done, just hit "send". I do recommend you use IE for this task. So now if you make a mistake in an upload, no need to make a new upload, just go back and fix the errors. I myself just used this to correct some errors in this very news item.

2) HTML - Use HTML to enhance you upload desciptions and forum posts. If you have a multi paragraph description in an upload, the paragraph tag will be you most used option. The bold and url tags are a couple of other tags that can help make your text more informative. No need to be an HTML expert, just find a site that lists common HTML tags, and try to get familiar with a few of them.

3) Item pics - If possible, try to include a small image of your work. Make sure the main subject of the image uses up most of the space, and use a .jpg optimizer (like the one in PSP) to get the file size down below the size limit the site imposes.

4) Make sure it's original work - There has been a trend lately of people downloading something from somewhere else, and placing it here. Please don't do that, even if you mention it is not your work. While it is not illegal, it just simply isn't cool. The only exception is if it an item that the author has specifically said that can be uploaded anywhere. If you do this, make sure you credit the author fully, don't try to pass it off as your own work.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hopefully these small tips will help make this site even better than it already is.

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